half-baked news


BREAKING NEWS: NYC Subway Duct-Tape Artist Claims His Latest Work Will ‘Stick Around for Ages’

NYC Subway Duct-Tape Artist Claims His Latest Work Will 'Stick Around for Ages'

Oh, you’re gonna love this one. Some guy decided the subway wasn’t grimy enough and took it upon himself to create “art” using—you guessed it—duct tape. His masterpiece? A life-sized rat, meticulously taped to the side of a 6 train. Passengers were thrilled, calling it “the most accurate depiction of NYC life.” MTA staff, however, were less enthusiastic, mainly because the “art” installation caused a train delay…again.

Apparently, this duct-tape Banksy plans to tour the city’s subway lines, bringing his adhesive creativity to a station near you. Next stop? Probably Times Square—because nothing screams art quite like dodging costumed characters while staring at a taped-up rat.

In other news, I’ve decided to become an artist myself. My medium? Cake. Obviously.

Stay sticky, NYC. And watch your step.

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