half-baked news


Moscow Shocked to Discover War Has Consequences

In a development that has left many Russians gasping into their morning vodka, Moscow came under one of Ukraine’s largest drone attacks to date, proving once again that what happens in Ukraine doesn’t always stay in Ukraine.

The attack, which sent drones buzzing over Moscow like particularly angry hornets, caught the Russian capital off guard. Local residents, who until now believed that the war was something that only happened to other people, were suddenly reminded that sometimes, when you invade a neighboring country, they might just bring the fight to your doorstep.

“This is outrageous,” exclaimed one Muscovite, clutching a loaf of bread that had suddenly become the most stable thing in their life. “We’re supposed to be the ones sending the drones! When did the rules of war get flipped upside down?”

Meanwhile, in Kursk and eastern Ukraine, fighting continued as usual, which is to say it was deadly, chaotic, and entirely predictable. Russian forces, who have spent the better part of the past year trying to play a game of “Just One More Territory,” are now reportedly shocked—shocked!—that Ukraine isn’t just rolling over and letting them have it.

The Kremlin, known for its stellar track record in public relations (like that time they swore they weren’t going to invade Ukraine), has labeled the drone attack a “terrorist act.” Of course, this label comes from the same government that calls journalists “foreign agents” and international sanctions “business opportunities.”

Vladimir Putin, ever the picture of calm and rationality, was reportedly fuming at the news, although sources can’t confirm if this was due to the drone attack or because his shirtless horseback riding photos didn’t get as many likes as expected on social media.

Meanwhile, back in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy could be heard chuckling from his office, probably thinking, “I guess turnabout is fair play.” He then presumably went back to doing the one thing he’s become best at—surviving against all odds.

As the drone dust settles, one thing remains clear: the war in Ukraine is far from over, and it’s starting to get uncomfortably close to home for those in Moscow. Maybe next time, Russia will think twice before trying to rewrite the borders of Eastern Europe. Or, knowing history, maybe they’ll just double down and buy more drones.

Either way, it’s shaping up to be a long, cold winter for anyone who thought war was just something you watch on TV. Stay tuned for the next episode of “How the War Turns.”

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