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Tom Brady Is Still Trending—But Why Exactly?

Tom Brady

Let’s talk about the enigma, the myth, the legend—Tom Brady. No, he’s not suiting up for another Super Bowl (though, at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if he announced a comeback during a TikTok dance challenge), but somehow, some way, this man is still trending like he’s got a new Netflix docuseries. Are we about to see Brady 2024 on bumper stickers? Is he running for president? Because honestly, that would be the most Brady thing to do—just waltz into politics and win there, too.

Wait… Is Brady Actually Running for President?

Okay, let’s cut through the conspiracy theories for a second. As much as I’d love to see Tom Brady throw spirals from the White House lawn and make avocado ice cream the official food of the U.S., he’s not exactly gunning for the presidency. Yet. I mean, give the guy time—he’s already conquered football, fashion (kind of), and somehow, the aging process. If we’re being honest, it wouldn’t shock me if, in 10 years, we’re all saluting President TB12 while Gronk serves as his Secretary of Flexing.

But for now, Brady’s got better things to do than babysit Congress. He’s busy living his retirement dream: sun-drenched yacht trips with models (seriously, what else?), sprinkling overpriced wellness products into the world, and making us mere mortals feel inferior about our questionable workout regimens. Yet, somehow, this guy is still hogging the trending page, and I’m over here wondering why I can’t make a PB&J without setting off the smoke alarm.

So Why Is Tom Brady Still in the Spotlight?

For starters, because he’s Tom Freaking Brady. But let’s dive into the specifics, shall we?

1. NFL Ownership? Yep, Brady’s Buying the Raiders.

Because, of course, Tom Brady isn’t content just being the GOAT. Why settle for seven Super Bowl rings when you can just own the damn game? Brady’s investment in the Las Vegas Raiders is making headlines, because playing football wasn’t enough—now he’s gunning for the business side of things. Does it matter that he never played for the Raiders? Nope. Does it matter that most of us are still just trying to figure out how to own one home while Brady’s out here buying NFL franchises like it’s fantasy football? Also nope.

The man simply doesn’t lose, whether it’s on the field or in life. He’s probably still salty that he doesn’t have an eighth ring, so what’s the next best thing? Buying into the game like a boss.

2. That Fox Sports Mega Deal

Oh, and did I mention the Fox Sports deal? Because as if Brady didn’t already make more money than we can even comprehend, he’s got a $375 million broadcasting deal waiting in the wings. Brady, commentating on football? It’s basically just going to be a weekly TB12 highlight reel, but honestly, we’ll probably all tune in anyway. He doesn’t need the job, but let’s face it, Tom Brady loves talking about Tom Brady. And who can blame him? When you’ve got a career that defies every rule of time and physics, you earn that right.

3. Brady vs. Father Time: The Ultimate Showdown

And then there’s the fact that Brady is out here aging like a fine wine, while the rest of us are just trying to figure out what happened to our metabolism after turning 30. He’s basically a walking billboard for immortality at this point. Between his relentless devotion to the TB12 Method (Google it if you want to feel bad about your current workout routine) and his magical ability to dodge the ravages of time, Brady’s practically got the sports world on edge, waiting for his next move.

Will he come out of retirement for the third time? Will he bench press a small island? Will he somehow keep trending for another decade? Who knows. But one thing’s for sure: he’s not going away anytime soon.

So, Is Tom Brady Ever Going to Fade Away?

In a word? No. And honestly, why would he? The man has mastered the art of winning in every conceivable arena. He’s got the football world by the throat, the business world wrapped around his avocado-tanned finger, and the media drooling for his next venture. Even when he’s doing nothing, Brady is still somehow doing more than the rest of us.

So while Tom Brady isn’t running for president (yet), he’s still out here reminding us all that life after football can be just as ridiculous and headline-worthy as his two-decade domination of the NFL. And let’s face it: if he ever did run, we’d probably all vote for him, especially if Gronk promised to flex during every State of the Union.

For now, we’ll just have to settle for Tom Brady’s perpetual trending status and wait to see what he decides to conquer next. But don’t worry, whatever it is, he’ll make it look effortless. Because that’s what Brady does—he wins, even when he’s retired.

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